How Botox® Works

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If you are considering a facelift to address fine lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity, think again! At Elite DOC Health and Beauty, Dr. Nazmudin Keshwani and his team of professionals offer a number of cosmetic services that can eliminate the need for plastic surgery. This includes neuromodulator injections such as Botox®. Continue reading to learn more about how Botox® works to smooth away fine lines and wrinkles caused by the natural process of aging.

How Do Neuromodulator Injections Work to Cosmetically Enhance Facial Appearance?

Neuromodulator injections work by inhibiting muscle activity that causes wrinkles and facial expression lines. The neuromodulators relax the muscles and reduce their contractions, allowing wrinkles to soften or disappear and resulting in a more youthful-looking appearance. Neuromodulator injections work differently than other cosmetic injectables, such as dermal fillers or hyaluronic acid fillers. They are more beneficial for reshaping facial features such as the lips, cheeks, and jawline for an aesthetically-pleasing results. Neuromodulators are injected directly into the muscles, not the wrinkles and folds, to achieve the changes patients desire.

How Long Will Neuromodulator Injections Last?

The effects of injectables such as Botox® typically last for several months before needing to be repeated. Additionally, some people may require touch-up treatments after initial injection sessions to maintain desired results with time. While these injections cannot stop the natural process of aging, they can

When administered correctly by an experienced medical practitioner in a sterile setting, neuromodulator injections are safe and effective at improving facial appearance. Dr. Nazmudin Keshwani and his team at Elite DOC Health and Beauty are highly skilled specialists in anti-aging techniques that do not require surgical interventions. He can talk to you about any possible complications or side effects you may experience, though these risks are significantly reduced when administered by an experienced professional.

How Do I Find Out if I Am a Good Candidate for Botox® Injections?

If you are ready to learn more about enhancing your facial appearance without plastic surgery and live in the area of Sugar Land, TX, we encourage you to call Elite DOC Health and Beauty to schedule an appointment with Dr. Nazmudin Keshwani and his associates. The office can be reached by calling 832-446-3206.


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