Embarrasing Toenail Fungus Infections Can Be Treated Effectively With A Laser.
We Offer An Effective Treatment For Toenail Or Fingernail Fungus Treatments With Lasers Here At Elite Doc Health And Beauty.
Laser treatments for nail fungus are effective and can target the infection by using our state of the art lasers. Our professionals are trained in treating the infected toenails with the laser which will help in treating the infected area called the toenail matrix. This type of treatment has been used successfully for decades and can help eliminate the pesky toenail or fingernail fungus for good.
The type of fungus in toenails or fingernails lives in the cracks and pores of the nail turns your nails an unsightly color. With laser treatments we can effectively target the fungus in these areas. The laser treatment is relatively painless and has no dangerous side effects. Dr. Keshwani will evaluate your treatment areas and prescribe the proper number of treatments to effectively treat your infected nails.
The toenail fungus laser treatment usually takes between 10 to 15 minutes, which are spaced about 30 days apart. Most patients will require between 2 to 4 treatments to effectively eliminate the fungus. The treatment of your toenail or finger nail fungus will rely on the severity of the infection. Your cost will be determined by the severity of treatments you will need to eliminate the fungus on your toenails or finger nails. Dr. Keshwani will discuss the amount with you at your initial appointment.
You can depend on Elite Doc Health and Beauty to help you with the elimination of your nail fungus with the adequate number of laser treatments. To get your hands and feet looking good and to get rid of nail fungus call 832-446-3206 today to set up your appointment for a free consultation with Dr. Keshwani.