Laser Hair Removal For Men

Men Are Able To Take Advantage Of Laser Hair Removal Just As Women Are.

Men Can Have Laser Hair Removal For Any Parts Of Their Body.

Most men don’t think about having laser hair removal most of time. Many man take the time to painstakingly shave different parts of their body to keep a nice smooth physique. Here at Elite Doc Health and Beauty our clinicians can easily perform the procedure on any parts of a man’s body.

In our office we treat our patients with the Candela Yag laser hair removal system for effective treatments.  The laser will utilize both short and very long pulses which will carefully and adequately treat the broad spectrum of skin or hair colors and thickness. Having your hair treated by a laser for removal is totally safe, gentle, non-invasive, and long-lasting. The amount of treatment you will receive will depend on the thickness and depth of your hair in each particular body part. our clinicians are highly experienced in treating every body type and will advise of the number of treatments you will need to achieve your desired results.

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Laser Hair Removal for men of all skin types

If you are a man and want to rid yourself of shaving everyday, then the Candela Yag Laser Hair Removal and Reduction system is your answer.

How does the System Work?

The laser will emit near-infrared laser light which will be absorbed by the pigment which located in the hair follicle. The laser will be pulsed on, for only a fraction of a second. This will damage the follicle which will eliminate the ability to re-grow. While the laser is on the skin will be protected during the process. Based on the area being treated a requirement of topical anesthetics or a cooling jell may be needed.

How long does the procedure last?

Based on the area to be treated the procedure may take a couple of minutes to several hours. Your clinician will advise you of the approximate time needed for your specific treatment area.

Laser Hair Removal Treatments for Men is available at Elite Doc Health and Beauty with a free initial consultation. Call today for your appointment.


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Monday: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Wednesday:10:00am - 6:00pm
Thursday: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Friday: 10:00am - 6:00pm

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