If You Have A “Double Chin” Or “Jowls” That You Just Don’t Like, Then Kybella Treatments Most Definitely Can Be A Remarkable Treatment For You! This Is A Shot That Can Help People Get Rid Of Their Double Chin Or Jowls That They Are So Dissatisfied With.
Dr. Nazmudin Keshwani explains that this is a simple procedure where they will mark the spots you are dissatisfied with and apply a series of shots to the area and that will help dissolve the “unwanted” fat in the areas. Since this procedure is approved by the FDA and he can examine your areas of dissatisfaction to help you improve your overall look in these areas. Dr. Keshwani will explain the process in detail at your consultation and evaluate your problem area to make sure you are a good candidate for the procedure.
Many men and women throughout the years have tried to remedy their facial areas with minimal results but now with the new treatments available at Elite Doc Health and Beauty clinic you can achieve the look you have always wanted, with minimal treatment sessions and a small downtime. The small series of shots go under the chin or around the cheeks depending on where you have your unwanted small pockets of fat. The substance will help eliminate the fat cells in small areas which will help with your problem areas.
There have been remarkable results from the clinical trials of the Kybella™ procedures that women and men are both trying out the products. Dr. Keshwani and his experienced team will have you looking your best after these procedures.
Treatment is remarkable in reducing small pockets of fat under the chin.
Pictures are taken after having the Kybella™ treatments. The pictures were taken 1 month apart.